Co-owner of Freni e Frizioni, mixologist and World Ambassador of Mezcal.

Cristian Bugiada, a Sicilian mixologist with a deep passion for music and spirits, has always turned necessity into virtue. Based in Rome, he is one of the owners of the renowned Freni e Frizioni, where he has worked for nearly a decade.
His passion for research and love of agave led him to explore Mexico, a journey that began in March 2014 with Roberto Artusio. Together, they went in search of the essence of these spirits, founding inne La Punta. Enriched and inspired by their experiences in this country brimming with history,
vibrant culture, diverse landscapes and unique culinary traditions, Cristian, Roberto and their respective teams opened La Punta Expendio de Agave in 2016, which quickly became a true mecca for lovers of Mexico and its spirits.
The journey continued and, in 2018, Cristian was named World Ambassador of Mezcal by the Consejo Regulador del Mezcal (CRM), a title that marked a pivotal moment in his career. The exploration culminated in 2023 with the creation of an on-the-road documentary that captures their
quest into the culture, traditions, and even the more playful aspects of Mexico.
Meanwhile, Cristian, Roberto, and Claudio Sblano (who later joined the team), opened La Cola, the other side of the coin of La Punta, with which in 2023, they launched Agavesito, the first agave syrup specifically designed for mixology.
His work, both as a creative and as an entrepreneur, continues to push the cones of the industry

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  • 18 Feb

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