Sales and Marketing Director of Cooperativa Italiana Catering.

Venetian by origin and by roots, she landed in the world of food in Romagna, and by love, where she began her journey in Fruttagel. She then has a long experience in the Ho.Re.Ca. sector at a Piedmontese wholesaler, which she now puts to good use in CIC along with the skills she acquired in the Master's Degree in Food and Wine Communication. Thus came to life the design of Qualitaly as a functional brand dedicated to catering professionals and as a campaign to raise awareness of waste reduction in the kitchen. Today CIC is immersed in the FOOD FOR FUTURE project.

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  • 17 Feb

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17 FEBRUARY  |  16:20 - 16:50 Beer&Tech Arena - Pav. C7


Bernardi Lorenzo
Vongola Selvaggia Holder
Lorenzo Ricci
Copywriter/Narrative Designer
Alessandro Grandi
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman Grandi Riso spa
Lucio Pompili
Cook and winemaker
Manola Scomparin
Sales and Marketing Director of Cooperativa Italiana Catering.